sos preschool dinosaur play


Creating constructions using blocks is a play activity that encourages participation, interactions with peers and builds pre academic skills. Children represent and make sense of their environment using different mediums, one of them being though construction. At free play time children can choose to play with blocks. They have the opportunity to freely explore and use blocks in a variety of engaging ways.  A range of accessories are programmed for in this learning area to further to expand children’s creativity.

Blocks develop skills in early numeracy such as patterning, size, geometry, measurement, classification, quantity, weight and length. Blocks develop early scientific knowledge such as balance, space, gravity and stability. Playing with blocks is also about negotiation with peers, learning how to be caring and considerate, cooperation, theory of mind and sharing toys and equipment. Children learn to develop their cognitive skills such as problem solving, persistence, perseverance and flexibility. Children use language to communicate when they negotiate roles and express their thoughts about what they have created. They also build on their vocabulary around new concepts.

Children also learn

  • To develop eye/hand co-ordination.
  • To use and develop control of large and small muscle groups.
  • To develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation and investigation.
  • To learn to persevere when things go wrong.
  • Self help skills.
  • To use their senses to explore materials then move onto the use of symbols when creating art. This is the foundation for their literacy learning.

EYLF Outcomes

  • Co-operate and work collaboratively with others
  • Use play to investigate and explore new ideas
  • Manipulating equipment tools with confidence
  • Try out strategies
  • Predict patterns and exchange ideas