Government and Safety

Navigating your way around Government Departments can be tricky, so we’ve put together a list of useful links and descriptions that you may find helpful.

  • ACECQA – Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority
  • NSW Department of Education – Providing services for children and young people that span early childhood through to youth advocacy and support.
  •  Start Strong – This is the current funding model that SOS Preschool complies with. This website provides great information about the importance of Early childhood Education and care settings
  • Centrelink – Providing a range of payments and services that help you look after your children’s education and health care, and any family issues that may come up along the way.
  • Child Protection – NSW Government Protecting Children website, contacting resources for the public and a reporting mechanism.
  • Early Childhood Australia – The peak early childhood advocacy organisation, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field.
  • My Child – Find information on the types of child care, fee assistance and links to other useful websites about children’s health, wellbeing, parenting and family support services.
  • Community Childcare Cooperative – a not-for-profit organisation promoting, supporting and advocating for early education and care services.
  • Kids and Traffic – NSW’s Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program. It forms part of the statewide road safety education program of Transport for NSW’s Centre for Road Safety.
  • Staying Healthy in Childcare –  Provides educators and other staff working in education and care services with simple and effective methods for minimising the spread of disease. It contains more ‘how to’ advice on procedures and discussing exclusion periods with parents.